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Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct purpose is to guide how Kommando as a company and employees, the Board and Management are expected to act. The Code of Conduct shall contribute to strengthening Kommando's culture, daily work, discussions and decisions. 
Kommando's Code of Conduct shall be based on our values and are our ethical guidelines.  

1.1 Our Mission and Values

Our Mission

The mission will provide direction for our choices and priorities. Everything we do should be in line with our mission. 

  • We continuously strive to become a market leader within the technologies we choose to work with and deliver to our clients

  • We provide expertise, market leading solutions and services within cybersecurity and automation. Our expert has extensive knowledge and experience in information security.

  • We help organizations manage critical information within identity-, access- and privileged management. We strive to bring valuable knowledge to the table through in collaboration with our partners.


Our Values 

Smart - We shall always deliver quality ahead of quantity and deliver what we have promised. We take responsibility and stands up for our customers and for each other.   


Doer - We are a leader and an Advisor that suggest things to our customers. We are interested in our customers, and we always see opportunities and seeks for new, simpler, and smarter solutions.    


Simple - We should simplify the everyday life for our customers. We should always be clear in our communication to avoid misunderstanding, and we should always think simplification since this will allows the right focus, remove complexity and uncertainty. 

1.2 To whom does this apply?

The Code of Conduct applies to all employees (and consultants) regardless of position, with a special responsibility for the Board and Management to facilitate and promote its application.

1.3 Compliance with laws and regulations 

Employees will comply with applicable laws and regulations governing their business activities, worldwide. Employees have a responsibility to read, to understand, and to keep up to date the contents of Kommando Code of Conduct for Employees and to seek clarification or further information, if needed, and to comply with the contents of the Code of Conduct for Employees.


Kommando are committed to high ethical standards in the conduct of their business worldwide. Employees will not engage in fraudulent or corruptive business activities. Be honest, fair and trustworthy. Kommando always work in a manner consistent with Kommandos reputation as a reliable, honest and trustworthy business partner. 

What does this mean for you as an employee?  

  • You will provide full, timely and accurate information and business data to the public, shareholders, and business partners.  

  • You will provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable reporting of their financial results and conditions.  '

  • You are prohibiting payments – giving or receiving – made improperly to gain advantage, in every country around the world, in either the public or private sector. Gifts or favors of a nominal value, made openly, might be acceptable.  

  • You will conduct business only with reputable customers and employees involved in legitimate business activities with funds derived from legitimate sources.

  • You will comply with all applicable sanctions laws by only doing business with reputable customers and employees.

2 How to do it at Kommando

2.1 Social Responsibility

We take social responsibility and contributes to sustainable, economic, social and environmental development in the areas and industries in which Kommando operates. 
Corporate social responsibility shall be reflected in everything Kommando does. 

What does it mean for you as an employee?

You contribute to fulfilling Kommando's ambitions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the environment and sutainability. 

2.2. Open, honest and clear communication 

In order for us to make the right decisions and create a good working environment, internal communication at Kommando must be open, honest and clear. The same applies to external communication, which is important for trust at Kommando. Both internal and external communication must be timely and correct.  

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You communicate openly, honestly, and clearly

  • You both provide and receive feedback with the intention of improving

  • You will take responsibility for communicate any misconduct thru the proper channels

2.3 Discrimination and harassment

Kommando employees’ activities shall be conducted without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national or other origin, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, or any other characteristic where a person is not treated as an individual.  

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You treat all people with respect 

  • You use a language which is including and do not use language that can be interpreted as offensive (e.g., jokes on someone’s expense, inappropriate language, derogatory remarks etc.) 

2.4 Health, Environment and Security

Safety and health are primary in everything – and essential to Kommandos employees, their families, the community, and customers. Safety should not be compromised for any other business priority.  

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You contribute to a good working environment and positive interaction with your colleagues. 

  • You take responsibility for your own work situation in your daily work. 

  • You notify your manager or management if you experience or observe anything that adversely affects the working environment or safety. 

  • You have the right to object to work in hazardous work. 

  • You aim to be an open, positive, and supportive working community.  

  • You aim for positive relationships in local communities where they operate, and to contribute to local development. 

2.5 Conflict of Interest 

Conflicts, or the appearance of conflicts, between work responsibilities and free-time activities or personal interests and business, must be avoided. It is illegal to buy or sell securities on the basis of material, non-public (‘inside’) information. It is also illegal to communicate (or ‘tip’) inside information to others.  

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You are familiar with and follow established rules for referring and handling conflicts of interest. 

  • You avoid situations, professionally and privately, where your independence, integrity or loyalty may be questioned. 

  • You are open to reporting positions, investments and other obligations you have outside of Kommando that may result in a conflict of interest. 

2.6 Privacy 

At Kommando we take privacy and processing of personal data seriously. Employees at Kommando shall process personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and internal guidelines. Customers, suppliers, partners, and employees should be able to trust us to protect their privacy. 

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and will handle personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable privacy laws.  

2.7 Confidentiality and Information Protection  

Each employee at Kommando is required to safeguard the private and confidential nature of the information acquired as part of the employees’ work duties, and to comply with the confidentiality clauses requested by the customer. Kommandos’ internal systems may contain, personal data protected by privacy laws, information that may not be divulged abroad and information whose disclosure could cause damage to Kommando itself. 

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You will be responsible in how, when and where you discuss our customers and their information to minimize overhearing from others of confidential information 

  • You will be responsible with how, when and where you setup your laptop or workplace to minimize visibility from others 

  • You are carful with information shared in open channels, sharing in social media should be approved beforehand 

2.8 Report Misconduct 

All employees at Kommando have a responsibility to report misconduct, and not to turn a blind eye to unacceptable behavior. Relatively minor matters, it may be most appropriate to raise the matter directly with the employee concerned in the first instance. This will be a matter of judgement. If in doubt employees should discuss the matter with their manager.  

What does this mean for you as an employee? 

  • You will take responsibility for communicating any misconduct through the proper channels 


Karenslyst Allé 9A
0278 Oslo

Org. 919 637 226


Linnégatan 2​
114 47 Stockholm

Org. 559152-9218


Åby Arenaväg 8A
431 62 Mölndal 

Org. 559152-9218



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